Social Media

23 Nov

Tweet your way to a Marketing Boom

Consider Twitter the newest advertising tool that can reach a wide array of potential clients that your business has never touched before. Where did Twitter come from? Jack Dorsey,  an American software architect created Twitter. A micro-blogging and social networking service that basically sends messages to its followers with a... Read more →

9 Nov

TypePad and WordPress : Which one should I use?

If you have been introduced to the world of cyber blogging, then you must have heard of WordPress and TypePad.  If you are just getting started, congratulations! and other blogging tools are available to assist you in sending your thoughts and work into the cyber world. These products have... Read more →

6 Oct

Statistics on Social Media Marketing

I found this great article showing some statistics on social media marketing for e-retailers.   According to this article, 34% of e-retailers say social media marketing has increased their sales.   The study was conducted by Forrester Research. The study also shows the following results: The return on investment is unclear, 66%... Read more →